Thursday, September 23, 2010

Friends, Foes and Flagellum's

"Where the hell is that dumb bastard!?" "im gunna kill him for what he's done to my wife!" Screamed Curley in a fiery rage.
     "Now how the hell do you know it was Lennie it could have been anyone of us!" Replied George.
"Well of course it was him he's so dumb he wouldn't be able to tell his ass from a hole in the ground!"
     "Well maybe George is right." said Slim
"You stay out of this you skinny son of a bitch!" exploded Curley.
"Well If you want to go off and blame Lennie you go a head and try to find im', He's proly headin south by now!"
"Well then lets go get im'!"
     All the men except George ran into the woods. George watched and waited till they were all out of site and he turned around and started running toward the north part of the woods where he told Lennie to go if he had ever got into any trouble.
As George was running through the bush he felt sharp pain the back of his head and he dropped to the ground.
   "George you must be as dumb as a box of rocks!"
     George rolled over on to his back to see Curley standing about twenty feet behind him with stones in his hands.
     "You really think i wasn't going to notice you weren't with us when you told us to go South."
George let out a big sigh and got to his feet.
      "If you really think that I'm going to let you get past me to get ta Lennie, well then you must have bit of more then you chew boy." said George

Friday, September 10, 2010

The Power Of Peace

The power of peace is something everyone in this world wants, only if your someone who only craves achievements that involve world destruction or world domination. I know could have chosen something really exciting or something full of destruction, but why bother when you can just counter act everything with my power, the power of peace. I do not have to worry about crime fighting or saving the world well because there would be no wars or people to fight because everyone would be full of peace and love. My only enemy is the world and its conniving twists and turns of what we know today as natural disasters. I can not to do anything to stop natural disasters but I can stop conflict and help people pull together to help each other so they are able to pull through and over come anything that the world can throw at us. So I live a very relaxed and comfortable life where everyone brings me gifts and money for all of my hard work. Although my work is not even hard because making peace is all i do and that becomes extremely easy after doing in for most of my life. Life is good being a leader, a role model or what some people might call a super hero. With my power I can keep the world safe in a comfortable state for everyone for many years to come.