Friday, October 15, 2010


"Leroy, I have something to tell you," Explained James.
"What might that be my American friend?" Asked Leroy
"I've been going through some rough times lately."
"Whats going on James?"
"Well I'm ashamed to admit it, but I'm addicted to heroine," Whispered James.
"Did you say heroine!" shouted Leroy.
"Yes," cried James as he buried his head in to his hands and began to weep slowly.
"James, I'm not disappointed in you in fact I'm surprised and I'm happy you told me," Explained Leroy, as he put his hand on his shoulder and comforted him, but James continued to weep.
"James I also have something to tell you, I to was once addicted to Heroine and other drugs such as LCD and Cocaine." Leroy explained.
"YOU WERE!" Shouted James.
"Yes and I'm not proud of it, but i know what your going through and I'm your friend and I'm here to help you."
"Thank you Leroy, you are a great friend of mine and i will always keep our friendship close to my heart."
"You are welcome my friend and i feel the same way about our friendship, we will get your through this I promise," Whispered Leroy into James ear as they both hugged each other.