Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Worst Part Of The Day

The first day of school is always the best, do you know why? because I get to meet all of the lovely little grade nines that will soon enough make my school year a living hell. Every year they come into the school and act like they own the place. Sure stand in the middle of the hallways, I don't mind, just keep that conversation going of what Betty did on the week end. It's great to know that the grade nines are completely oblivious to the people around them. What I don't understand is that these children of lesser intelligent, stand around the hallways at lunch when they could be out and about exploring the street. You've been in a school that won't let you leave the premises for your whole life, take advantage of leaving. Do us all a favour. I remember when I was in grade nine, I would never dare to sit in the common area with all the seniors. Now not only have they taken over the hallways they are now sitting in our tables. We are the seniors of Princess Margret Secondary we have earned those spots, but if you really have the guts to rudely budge your way in to them, well go a head we don't care not even the slightest bit. You just go ahead and scream your little heads off and interrupt our lunch hour. Maybe the school system should just hold the grade nines in middle school for another year just to make sure they are mature enough for high school, or maybe we could just make Jr high school for them and then we wouldn't have to worry about the grade nines ever again.