Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Worst Part Of The Day

The first day of school is always the best, do you know why? because I get to meet all of the lovely little grade nines that will soon enough make my school year a living hell. Every year they come into the school and act like they own the place. Sure stand in the middle of the hallways, I don't mind, just keep that conversation going of what Betty did on the week end. It's great to know that the grade nines are completely oblivious to the people around them. What I don't understand is that these children of lesser intelligent, stand around the hallways at lunch when they could be out and about exploring the street. You've been in a school that won't let you leave the premises for your whole life, take advantage of leaving. Do us all a favour. I remember when I was in grade nine, I would never dare to sit in the common area with all the seniors. Now not only have they taken over the hallways they are now sitting in our tables. We are the seniors of Princess Margret Secondary we have earned those spots, but if you really have the guts to rudely budge your way in to them, well go a head we don't care not even the slightest bit. You just go ahead and scream your little heads off and interrupt our lunch hour. Maybe the school system should just hold the grade nines in middle school for another year just to make sure they are mature enough for high school, or maybe we could just make Jr high school for them and then we wouldn't have to worry about the grade nines ever again.

Friday, November 5, 2010

The Man Who Thought

Every year my family and I go on a summer vacation to the Dominican Republic and every year I see the same man. He always in the same spot on a rock that is half of it the soft, white sand and the other half in beautiful green vegetation that starts minuscule amounts of brush and leaves but then explodes into gargantuan trees and vines, where all that can be seen is green. I have never seen the man move once in my life he stays on his rock from dawn to dusk completely still, just staring in the vast amount of blue with a cigarette in his hand. His eyes are surrounded by deep wrinkles like large crevasses in the earth that show years of experience and misfortune. He keeps is cigarette in his hand; he does not smoke it. The man just lets it burn and as the ash falls it begins to pile on his rock like a snowy peak on top of a blistering mountain.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

I am the man. I like movies

     I have chosen to portray the character George from the book of Mice and Men to the movie. Due to illness I was not able to watch the first part of the movie, although I did catch the second half. I believe that George in the movie was a little more intelligent and larger in scale than I imagined in the book. When I was reading the book I thought of George more of a street smart kind of guy instead of an actual educated gentleman. I also thought of George more a man who had Lennie around because he did not have the physical properties he needed to work at the ranch, but in the movie he seems that he does not even need Lennie in fact in looks as if he could handle him self on the ranch. I also pictured Lennie and Georges friendship a little differently in the book it seems that George treats Lennie more like a little kid that never behaves and in the movie I thought he treated him more like an adult. The George in the book was the one I preferred because it was the one that my mind created and when I watched the movie that kind of just ruined it for me. So in conclusion I give the Mice of Men movie a rating 5 out of 10 for its poor performance to display the characters the way the book did.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Welcome to the Real World

      Hello! Future Professors, Teacher Assistants and counselors. After reading this letter of convincing and remarkable literature you believe that I am some sort of God. That this young man has what it takes, that he is the profit of life. I have walked the sands of time. I have watched God undress and create the morning. I have danced from dusk till dawn across the Sahara Desert. The Queen bows to me.
      My life is a never ending, winding road, where each turn is a new adventure and every hill is a challenge that I will over come. I have climbed Everest dressed as a Stormtrooper. There is no women that can ignore my charismatic ways and my devilishly handsome face, with my beautiful brown hair. I am Justin Bieber. I do not believe in cutting down tree's to make pointless paper and cardboard. Why? because paper cuts are the most brutal and infuriating wounds to have ever been experienced by man. I once wrestled with a Giraffe. BABY, BABY, BABY OH! I once cut down a Cedar Tree with a jug of Koolaid. I do not believe in religion, relgion believes in me. Sometimes when i go home I pretend im a cat and make pancakes. MEOW. One time I even read the whole Harry Potter Saga in under seven minutes. I once faught 300 Spartans with a toothbrush and Bobby pin. I won. You are probably wondering who is this wonderboy? Why is he so amazing? Well ladies and Gentlemen I am Ian Ellison one of the knites of the round table the man who convinced Alexzander The Great to pull the sword from the stone to find the holy grail. I was also the man who was smart enough to kill him and steal all his treasures as soon as he found them. I rule camalot.
Bow before your king! Bow before excelence! Bow before the future! Now let me in your school you poor pessents.

Friday, October 15, 2010


"Leroy, I have something to tell you," Explained James.
"What might that be my American friend?" Asked Leroy
"I've been going through some rough times lately."
"Whats going on James?"
"Well I'm ashamed to admit it, but I'm addicted to heroine," Whispered James.
"Did you say heroine!" shouted Leroy.
"Yes," cried James as he buried his head in to his hands and began to weep slowly.
"James, I'm not disappointed in you in fact I'm surprised and I'm happy you told me," Explained Leroy, as he put his hand on his shoulder and comforted him, but James continued to weep.
"James I also have something to tell you, I to was once addicted to Heroine and other drugs such as LCD and Cocaine." Leroy explained.
"YOU WERE!" Shouted James.
"Yes and I'm not proud of it, but i know what your going through and I'm your friend and I'm here to help you."
"Thank you Leroy, you are a great friend of mine and i will always keep our friendship close to my heart."
"You are welcome my friend and i feel the same way about our friendship, we will get your through this I promise," Whispered Leroy into James ear as they both hugged each other.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Friends, Foes and Flagellum's

"Where the hell is that dumb bastard!?" "im gunna kill him for what he's done to my wife!" Screamed Curley in a fiery rage.
     "Now how the hell do you know it was Lennie it could have been anyone of us!" Replied George.
"Well of course it was him he's so dumb he wouldn't be able to tell his ass from a hole in the ground!"
     "Well maybe George is right." said Slim
"You stay out of this you skinny son of a bitch!" exploded Curley.
"Well If you want to go off and blame Lennie you go a head and try to find im', He's proly headin south by now!"
"Well then lets go get im'!"
     All the men except George ran into the woods. George watched and waited till they were all out of site and he turned around and started running toward the north part of the woods where he told Lennie to go if he had ever got into any trouble.
As George was running through the bush he felt sharp pain the back of his head and he dropped to the ground.
   "George you must be as dumb as a box of rocks!"
     George rolled over on to his back to see Curley standing about twenty feet behind him with stones in his hands.
     "You really think i wasn't going to notice you weren't with us when you told us to go South."
George let out a big sigh and got to his feet.
      "If you really think that I'm going to let you get past me to get ta Lennie, well then you must have bit of more then you chew boy." said George

Friday, September 10, 2010

The Power Of Peace

The power of peace is something everyone in this world wants, only if your someone who only craves achievements that involve world destruction or world domination. I know could have chosen something really exciting or something full of destruction, but why bother when you can just counter act everything with my power, the power of peace. I do not have to worry about crime fighting or saving the world well because there would be no wars or people to fight because everyone would be full of peace and love. My only enemy is the world and its conniving twists and turns of what we know today as natural disasters. I can not to do anything to stop natural disasters but I can stop conflict and help people pull together to help each other so they are able to pull through and over come anything that the world can throw at us. So I live a very relaxed and comfortable life where everyone brings me gifts and money for all of my hard work. Although my work is not even hard because making peace is all i do and that becomes extremely easy after doing in for most of my life. Life is good being a leader, a role model or what some people might call a super hero. With my power I can keep the world safe in a comfortable state for everyone for many years to come.